Sunday, May 31, 2015

Be Kind Festival June 6th

On Saturday, June 6th, we had a booth at the Be Kind Festival in North Conway village at Schouler Park.  We provided all kinds of baked goods, and had a fun day sharing information about Altrusa, chatting with visitors and accepting donations to our scholarship fund for the purchase of our goodies.  Many visitors were generous and we made $189.00 for the day, with 25% going to support the Visiting Nurses of Carroll County and 75% to our Scholarship Fun.  So many of our members worked at the booth and baked wonderful treats -thank you to everyone who supported this effort.  A special thanks to Camden, Thelma's granddaughter who came to help and who was an extraordinary salesperson.

Diane, Lisa,Thelma, Marsha and Camden at the Be Kind Festival
Kathy, Diane, Lisa, Thelma, Marsha and Camden

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Plant Sale Success

Today the sun was bright and hot and people hovered around the tables set up on the street outside the Cook Memorial Library.  "Are these bearded iris?" "Do these need full sun?" "Look at all the hosta!" These questions and comments were heard all morning.  Today we held our Annual Plant Sale fundraiser and Raffle, teaming with the Cook Memorial Library to raise funds for our Altrusa service projects and for the Friends of the Cook Library.  Diane Robinson did a wonderful job organizing the day, gathering donated perennials, setting up tents, and putting out signs with the help of many of our club members.  Many thanks to those club members who donated the beautiful items for the calendar raffle.  Business was brisk and many calendar raffle tickets were sold so the day was a great success.  Now I just have to get my new plants in the ground!
Lorraine, Pat, Marsha, Lisa and Judy
Finally gathering the rest of the team, Lorraine, Pat, Kathy, Marsha, Diane, Lisa and Judy.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Habitat for Humanity Women's Build May 9th

On Saturday, May 9th we had two teams of members assisting the MWV Habitat for Humanity by providing breakfast and lunch to the 50 volunteers building the newest home in Madison.  Our breakfast crew was there by 7:15 am to set up and provide coffee and breakfast items, provided by The Community Market in Madison.  35 women arrived to work on the home and by 9:00 am everyone was at work cutting studs, nailing headers, cutting holes for wiring and framing the first walls.  All was accomplished under the able direction of 11 Habitat builders.  One of our members stayed for the day, using the chop saw and framing;  maybe next year we can get more members to bring their hammers!  At the lunch time break, our Club provided delicious pizzas, sandwiches and salads, all from The Community Market, to rave reviews from the workers.  We had an opportunity to tell all about our Altrusa Club and Kathy Miller left with the names of several women interested in learning more.  She's a great saleslady!

Serving Volunteers at the Gibson Senior Center

On Tuesday May 5th 4 members of Carroll County Altrusa helped to thank all the Meals on Wheels and other Gibson Senior Center volunteers by serving at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.  The team of Dorothy, Kathy, Lisa and Cheryl served 87 meals to all the volunteers who give hundreds of hours of service to our senior citizen residents.  George Cleveland and Attorney Deborah Fauver were the speakers and they thanked Altrusa for all our help.  We were able to share information about our Club and hopefully have piqued the interest of several women attending.  It was also an opportunity for our Club to help other service organizations.