Monday, September 23, 2019

Helping with the Reach the Beach Race

Lisa Dufault and Valley Promotions helps Altrusa of Carroll County to publicize and promote our projects and in turn we assist her at a stop on the Reach the Beach Relay Race.  The Race was held this year on Friday, September 13th and Lisa was in charge of the Echo Lake State Park transition point.  Four of our members helped with directing traffic, recording times and answering questions from the runners and their teams.  It was a beautiful sunny day and a very successful race with 500 teams participating in the 200 mile relay.
Donna was time-keeper while Cathy, Diane and Kathy directed traffic.

Committees Meeting and Planning

As we begin a new season with Altrusa, the members of our various committees are meeting, usually over some delicious meals, and making plans for an exciting year!
Communications Committee meeting

Community Service Committee planning service projects